Learning about America From Americans Living Abroad

this is a course website for students in English 367.01C at ohio state university, autumn 2004. the creator of the site is the teacher--bob eckhart. this is how i am communicating with my class and how they can communciate with each other.

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I am a teacher at OSU and most of my blogs are intended for my students...for me to post information to them and for them to share information with their classmates.

Monday, November 29, 2004

final exam

your final exam will be very straight-forward: analyze your Blog #2 based on the 4-part criteria you used to analyze all the other blogs this quarter. however, instead of the "what i learned about america section," please comment on what you tried to teach the reader about in your blog.

therefore, you should keep this 4-part criteria in mind when you are creating your blog. for instance, make sure there is adequate info about the blogger....make sure there is an exciting format to the blog [and describe it in detail in that section: "there are x number of posts, almost all of which are 100 words at least..." etc]

this is worth 10% of your grade. each of the other blogs analysis papers were worth 5%...they were 500 words [roughly 2 pages] long, so since this is worth twice as much, i would like it to be 1000 words long. these will be due at 5 o'clock on tuesday of finals week. i would like you to post them to your Blog #1, then send a Comment to this post with the URL for that.



Blogger Krystin said...

It's the end of class, already? :o)

Here's where my final blog review is: http://osuenglish367krystin.blogspot.com And, my site on the No Child Left Behind Act is located at: http://krystin.tblog.com

4:11 PM  

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