Learning about America From Americans Living Abroad

this is a course website for students in English 367.01C at ohio state university, autumn 2004. the creator of the site is the teacher--bob eckhart. this is how i am communicating with my class and how they can communciate with each other.

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I am a teacher at OSU and most of my blogs are intended for my students...for me to post information to them and for them to share information with their classmates.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

tuesday november 2nd

this week we will select a different kind of blog to analyze. in honor of the election, we will select a blog about the issues that arise today and over the next 36-48 hours.

i am not sure if you folks have noticed, but one of the main ways that today's election is being reported on is through blogs. it seems as if this is the easiest ways to constantly be updating readers minute-by-minute. in fact, in today's New York Times, there is an article about bloggers covering the election, and inside the story is a list of various bloggers. what i want you to do is read this story and select a blog and follow the election today and tomorrow. you can also select a political blog that isn't on the list.

here is a link to the New York Times article:


i think you will have to register with the site to read it, but this is free.

also, there are links to political blogs on cnn.com, but i don't think they start publishing until 5pm:


good luck and see you in class, blob