Learning about America From Americans Living Abroad

this is a course website for students in English 367.01C at ohio state university, autumn 2004. the creator of the site is the teacher--bob eckhart. this is how i am communicating with my class and how they can communciate with each other.

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I am a teacher at OSU and most of my blogs are intended for my students...for me to post information to them and for them to share information with their classmates.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

tuesday, week 5

hi class....it's hard to believe but we are almost halfway through fall quarter...i talked to most of you last week about your blog #2 [the big blog] but i want to make sure that everyone is starting to get focused on that this week.................now, as for blog analysis #4, i think your blog this week should have something to do with the upcoming political election. try to find an American living abroad who writes informative posts about american election coverage abroad...........hopefully you will learn how intensely concerned the rest of the world is with america in general, but with american politics and the 2004 election specifically. living in a country [america] where we don't really pay any attention to too many other countries, you might be shocked that americans living abroad--especially in the age of the internet--are as equally informed about up-to-the-hour campaign developments as we are...maybe in some cases even *more* informed............take care and have a good week, blob


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